
Export High Quality L-Lysine

Product name:L-Lysine
Molecular Formula: H2N(CH2)4CH(NH2)CO2H
Molecular weight:146.19
Description of L-Lysine:
EINECS: 200-294-2
Assay:≥98% (TLC)
Melting point:215 °C (dec.)(lit.)
Lysine, or L-lysine, is an essential amino acid. That means it is necessary for human health, but the body can't manufacture it. You have to get lysine from food or supplements. Amino acids like lysine are the building blocks of protein. Lysine is important for proper growth, and it plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol. Lysine appears to help the body absorb calcium, and it plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage.
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L-Histidine Hydrochloride Supplier

Product name: L-Histidine Hydrochloride
CAS: 1007-42-7
Molecular Formula:C6H9N3O2.HCl
Molecular weight:191.62
Description of L-Histidine Hydrochloride:
EINECS: 213-754-2
Melting point:254 °C (dec.)(lit.)
Solubility in water:169.9 g/L (20 oC)
Appearance:white crystals or crystalline powder
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What's We Know About Glycine

Product name:Glycine
Molecular Formula:C2H5NO2
Molecular Weight:75.07
Description of Glycine:
Glycine is a genus in the bean family Fabaceae. The best known species is the soybean (Glycine max). While the majority of the species are found only in Australia, the soybean's native range is in East Asia. A few species extend from Australia to East Asia (e.g., G. tomentella and G. tabacina).
Glycine species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species: The Engrailed, The Nutmeg and Turnip Moth have all been recorded on soybean.
Glycine is a nonessential amino acid occurring as a constituent of proteins and functioning as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system; used as a gastric antacid and dietary supplement, and as a bladder irrigation in transurethral prostatectomy..
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Wholesale Supplier of L-Glutamine

Product name:L-Glutamine
Molecular Formula:C5H10N2O3
Molecular Weight:146.14
Description of L-Glutamine:
L-glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally produced by the human body. It is also found in a wide variety of foods and is available in the form of dietary supplements. The supplements are claimed to be beneficial for numerous conditions, including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Most people tolerate this amino acid well, although the grittiness of L-glutamine powder can be unpleasant for many people.
Because L-Glutamine is one of the few preferred sources of energy by the brain, L-Glutamine frequently is recommended to give mental energy a boost and to support normal cravings for food or alcohol.
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Application of L-Cysteine Hydrochloride

Product name: L-Cysteine Hydrochloride
Molecular Formula:C12H24O12
Molecular Weight:360.31
Description of  L-Cysteine Hydrochloride:
Colorless to white fine columnar crystal or white crystalline powder with slight odor and taste (slightly sour). A reduction, there has antioxidant and prevent non-enzymatic browning effect. Melting point 175. C(decomposition). Soluble in water, acidic aqueous solution, pH value was 1.2 when 3% solubility, 1.7 when 1% solubility, 2.4 when 0.1% solubility. Is also soluble in ethanol, ammonia and acetic acid, insoluble in ether, acetone, benzene, carbon disulfide and chlorine imitation. One amino acid, but non-essential amino acids 
Bread improver; Nutritional supplements; Antioxidants; Color fixative. Of acrylonitrile and aromatic acid poisoning detoxification; The prevention of radiation injury; Have a therapeutic effect of bronchitis and phlegm; The absorption of alcohol to acetaldehyde in the body into the role of the solution drunk.
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Reliable Exporter of L-Cysteine

Product name:L-Cysteine
CAS: 52-90-4
Molecular Formula:HSCH2CH(NH2)CO2H
Formula Weight: 121.16
Description of L-Cysteine:
L-Cysteine is a proteinogenic amino acid incorporated into proteins as directed by the genetic code. The thiol-side chain participates in a variety of oxidation/reduction reactions within the cell. The side chain participates in the formation of β bonds that modulate the secondary and ternary structure of proteins. Cysteine is essential and limiting for the formation of glutathione, an important antioxidant, within the cell.
L-cysteine in the form of cysteine is found in many different protein sources. Chicken, turkey and pork are all good sources of cysteine. Even many varieties of processed luncheon meats contain this amino acid. Cooking does not destroy the presence of cysteine and in some cases may even help to enhance the absorption.
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Information of L-Aspartic Acid

Product name:L-Aspartic Acid
Molecular Formula:C4H7NO4
Formula Weight:133.1
Description of L-Aspartic Acid:
L-Aspartic acid may be the only component of your diet that’s missing, and it may be having a massive effect on everything from the way you feel to the way you look. If you feel and look tired all the time, chances are you won’t be feeling positive about yourself or about life in general. Why not take control of your energy levels and reclaim your life by overhauling your nutrition? Add L-Aspartic acid to your daily nutritional intake after speaking with your doctor.
More about:L-Aspartic Acid Sales