
Cholic Acid Introduction

Product name:Cholic Acid
Molecular Formula:C24H40O5
Molecular Weight:408.57 g/mol
Description of Cholic Acid:
Cholic Acid is manufactured from bovine bile (also known as "cattle bile" or "ox bile") at NZP in large volumes. It is a by-product of meat processing at veterinary certified companies. Ovine bile is also used. There is no synthetic and plant production source of cholic acid.
In nature, Cholic Acid is produced in the liver from cholesterol. The liver converts cholesterol into the conjugated salts of glycocholic and taurocholic acid which are excreted into the bile. Bile is released into the intestine where the bile salts emulsify fats and promote digestion. About 90% of the bile salts are reabsorbed by the intestine and pass back to the liver by a process referred to as enterohepatic circulation.
It is also available as the water soluble sodium salt.
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