
Functions of L-Leucine

Product name:L-Leucine
Molecular Formula:C6H13NO2
Molecular Weight:131.17
Description of L-Leucine:
What Are The Benefits of L-Leucine?
L-Leucine is the forth most concentrated amino acid in skeletal muscle tissue - it comprises about eight percent of the total amino acid count in your body's protein structures. As one of the three BCAA's, L-Leucine is essential to your basic health. It has both athletic and medical applications.
In terms of sporting applications L-Leucine has many beneficial effects on performance. Firstly this Branch Chain Amino Acid helps preserve lean muscle tissue. Secondly, it supplies the body with energy when under stress, and this includes the stress when engaging in any form of athletic activity.
L-Leucine also preserves muscle glycogen (glucose is the fuel source stored in muscle tissue that is used to power muscular contraction). L-Leucine maintains nitrogen balance, and it has also been shown to enhance thinking abilities that can decline as physical activity becomes more intense L-Leucine also works to heal bone, skin and muscle tissue.
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