
Features of Sodium Carbonate

Product name:Sodium Carbonate
Molecular Formula:Na2CO3
Molecular weight:105.9784 g/mol (anhydrous)
Description of Sodium Carbonate:
Sodium carbonate is a household chemical with a variety of different uses. Its chemical formula, Na2CO3, is similar to that of baking soda, NaHCO3. But baking soda is a nontoxic chemical commonly used in food preparation, while sodium carbonate is toxic. Instead, it's a common cleaning product.
Sodium carbonate is similar in chemical formula to both baking soda and chalk. It's more basic than baking soda, however, which makes it caustic and potentially harmful if swallowed. It's more water soluble than chalk, which doesn't dissolve well in the body. According to the "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics," it's a crystalline white solid at room temperature, and has a melting point of 1564 degrees Fahrenheit. Sodium carbonate can absorb water from the air, making it decompose at lower temperatures.
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