
Protease Inhibitors (7000u/mg) Exporter

Product name: Protease Inhibitors (7000u/mg)
Description of Protease Inhibitors (7000u/mg):
Protease inhibitor: An agent that can keep a protease from splitting a protein into peptides. Examples of protease inhibitors are saquinavir (brand name: Invirase) and ritonavir (brand name: Norvir), and they are used primarily in HIV/AIDS treatment. They are taken as part of a multi-drug cocktail and have been shown to be capable of significantly reducing the level of HIV virus in the blood. Side effects associated with protease inhibitors include lipodystrophy syndrome, in which the face, arms, and legs become thin due to loss of subcutaneous fat; the skin becomes dry; weight loss occurs; and abnormal deposits of fat occur. Some strains of HIV may be resistant to protease inhibitors.
Protease Inhibitors stop HIV replication by preventing the enzyme protease from cutting the virus into the shorter pieces that it needs to make copies of itself. Incomplete, defective copies are formed which can't infect cells.
Side Effects:Protease inhibitors can cause a syndrome of lipodystrophy, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus type 2, and kidney stones.
More about:Protease Inhibitors (7000u/mg) Sales

1 条评论:

  1. Neutral Protease AF GMP Grade is manufactured according to cGMP guidelines using a production process completely free of animal-based components. In this way the introduction of any potential animal-derived pathogen is excluded. protease
