
Hot Sale Sodium Cholate

Product name:Sodium Cholate
Molecular Formula:C24H39NaO5.xH2O
Molecular weight:430.55
Description of Sodium Cholate:
Other name:Cholic acid, sodium salt
Chemical Name: 3, 7, 12-Trihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic acid, monosodium salt
Sodium cholate (cholic acid) is a water-soluble, bile-acid commonly used in protein methods such as cell lysis, liposome preparation, isolation of membrane proteins and lipids, preventing nonspecific binding in affinity chromatography and as a cell culture media supplement.
Purity (by HPLC): ≥99%
Use of Sodium cholate
Sodium cholate is used as an antibiotic and as an ingredient used for drug delivery.
It is used in the preparation and formulation of certain microbiolical diagnostic media.
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