
What is Papain

Product name:Papain
Description of Papain:
Papain is a cysteine hydrolase that is stable and active under a wide range of conditions. It is very stable even at elevated temperatures (Cohen et al. 1986). The latex of Carica papaya is a rich source of four cysteine endopeptidases including papain, chymopapain, glycyl endopeptidase, and caricain. The proteins are synthesized as inactive precursors that become active within two minutes of the plant being wounded and the latex expelled. Papain is a minor constituent, but has been more widely studied because it is more easily purified.
Commercially, papain is added to many preparations which are designed to tenderize meats. It is also used in the preparation of cell cultures, as it can dissolve the bonds between cells to make them easier to separate. Medically, papain is sometimes used in wound debridement and other procedures, and it is sometimes recommended as a dietary supplement to people who experience digestive problems. The papain supplement can help people break foods down so that they are easy to digest.
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