
Useful Information of Amyloglucosidase

Product name:Amyloglucosidase
Description of Amyloglucosidase:
Synonyms: Glucan 1,4-a-glucosidase; 1,4-a-D-Glucan glucohydrolase; EC; Exoglucosidase
Amyloglucosidase is an enzyme of microbial origin that breaks glucoside bonds in starch and dextrins to form glucose; used in the manufacturing of glucose and for converting carbohydrates to fermentable sugars (as in beer-brewing). Also known as glucoamylase.
Appearance and Odor:  Clear to brown liquid with a slight
Solubility in Water:  Soluble
Conditions to Avoid:  Avoid Dusting. May become explosive when dispersed in air.
Substrate specificity: Amyloglucosidase hydrolyzes terminal a1,4- and a1,6-glucosdic bonds (glucoseglucose bonds) in polysaccharides (e.g., starch, dextrins, glycogen), removing glucose units sequentially from the non-reducing end of the molecule. The enzyme will also cleave maltose and maltosides (maltotriose, maltotetraose, etc.). Relative rates of hydrolysis at 37oC and pH 4,8 for some representative oligosacchardes are (maltose = 100): maltotriose, 360; maltotetraose, 770; maltopentaoes, 1000; isomaltopentaose, 23; and 6-a-maltosylglucose, 260. Amyloglucosidase will not cleave Glca1 - 2bFru bonds (as in sucrose) or glucan bonds in chemically-modified starch (e.g., with > 1% of glucose product of polysaccharide hydrolysis is D-glucose.
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