
Qualified Folic Acid Supplier

Product name: Folic Acid
Molecular Formula:C19H19N7O6
Molecular Weight:441.4
Description of Folic Acid:
IUPAC name:(2S)-2-[(4-{[(2-amino-4-hydroxypteridin-6-yl)methyl]amino}phenyl)formamido]pentanedioic acid
Appearance:yellow-orange crystalline powder
Melting point:250 °C (523 K), decomp.[1]
Solubility in water:1.6 mg/L (25 °C)
Folic Acid is used for preventing and treating low blood levels of folic acid (folic acid deficiency), as well as its complications, including “tired blood” (anemia) and the inability of the bowel to absorb nutrients properly. Folic acid is also used for other conditions commonly associated with folic acid deficiency, including ulcerative colitis, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney dialysis.
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