
Best Supplier of L-Threonine

Product name:L-Threonine
Molecular Formula:C4H9NO3
Molecular Weight:119.12
Description of L-Threonine:
Threonine is one of the amino detoxifers. It helps prevent fatty buildup in the liver. Threonine is important component of collagen. It is generally low in vegetarians. It is a precursor of isoleucine and imbalance may result if the synthesis rate from asparate is incorrect. In humans, deficiency may result in irritability and a generally difficult personality.
L-Threonine is commonly used to relieve stress and anxiety. Since it also aids in the production of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, L-Threonine is crucial in maintaining not only a healthy physical lifestyle, but a healthy mental lifestyle as well.
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