
Useful Information of Ascorbic Acid

Product name:Ascorbic Acid
Molecular Formula:C6H8O6
Molecular Weight:176.12
Description of Ascorbic Acid:
Why is Ascorbic Acid used instead of natural vitamin C?
The C vitamin is a naturally occurring nutrient found in countless fruits and vegetables. However the problem is that when it is heated, the vitamin breakdown and becomes useless. So if you heat up your food, it’s gone. This really poses a problem when it comes to liquids like orange juice. Pasteurization (boiling to kill off bacteria) is required for virtually every beverage sold today in the United States.
Ascorbic Acid was invented as a synthetic version to replace the natural form which is destroyed by heat.  So when you drink that glass of orange juice in the morning, you aren’t actually consuming natural vitamin C. Rather, you are consuming synthetic ascorbic acid which was added to replace the original.
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